Pearce & Associates has been serving the Antelope & Santa
Clarita Valley since 2001- California License No. 23161. Mr. Pearce
holds a B.S. in Business Administration from CSUN and teaches
a one day workshop on Identity Theft Prevention & Recovery
at the Jr. college level through out Southern California.
which licensed Private Investigator you select, he or she should
be thorough, professional, skilled in the art of discovery, descrete,
ethical and diligent. A private investigator's task is to uncover
and collect information. The decisions you make are no better
than the information your private investigator brings back to
Investigators are trained in the art and science of discovery,
however it is the reponsibility of the justice system, specifiicaly
the courts, who decide fact from fictiion, whether it is a jury
of your peers of the judge himself.