Identity Theft, Prevention and Recovery

Group Presentations are available - Times & Dates


Taught by licensed private investigator, Bob Pearce, this course will provide the individual maximum protection against the crime of Identity Theft.  Learn about your rights under state and federal codes and statutes and the various forms Identity Theft takes. This class will cover in detail, the step by step process of reclaiming your life. Learn how straighten out the Big 3 credit reporting agencies and related merchants using sample correspondences.  For furthing information, contact my office at the following email address: or call me at (661) 400-3813


Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Introduction
How to order your credit report from the Credit Reporting Agency designated web site.  Learn how to order over the internet, my mail or by phone for FREE. Learn about two vitally import books. There is one book on ID Theft protection and one book on ID Theft recovery. What materials are included in the course?

o   Textbook (optional)

o   CD-ROM

§  Class notes in the form of a web page, no note taking required

§  Folder of Government Publications

§  Blank letters to freeze your credit profile for 5 years

o   Class Handouts

o   Laminated examples

Chapter 2 – What is Identity Theft
What is Identity Theft?  What exactly is it that is stolen. Why would someone want to steal my identity?  How do I know it has been stolen? More importantly, what do I do if it has been stolen? What do I do first?  What are we talking about when we mention “Personal Identifiers?”

Chapter 3 – The Law is on Your Side
Chapter 3 examines the California Penal Codes. Specifically - what type of activities are deemed illegal. We see special consideration given to crimes involving elders & dependent adult. The California database for identity theft victims is created. 

Chapter 4 - How do You Know When You Have Become a Victim?
Learn the subtle clues of identity theft. What we mean by the term personal identifiers.  The one book every victim should own. In chapter 4 you learn the tell tale signs that your identity has been stolen.

Chapter 5 – What’s Required is a New Mental State of Mind
In the year 2009 you will learn and develop new skills for fighting back against Identity Theft.  Learn how to identify phishing emails for what they are.  Here you will learn about new behavior patterns to incorporate into your “self” Links for encryption software and much more.

Chapter 6 -  Steps to Minimize Your Exposure to ID Theft
Take concrete steps to minimize your exposure to Identity Theft.  Recognize our world today is not the same one we were born into. Learn specific behaviors to implement now and forever more.

Chapter 7 -  What to do If You Do Become a Victim of Identity Theft
Time is of the essence when you become a victim of ID Theft. What are the important first steps to take?  Learn about the “Fraud Alert.” How to place one and what it accomplishes.  The one book every victim should own. Proving you are a victim and your “Certificate of Innocence”

In chapters Chapter 8 – 24 you learn, specifically, how to handle the various form of Identity Theft:

 8.  Bank Accounts & Fraudulent Withdrawals
 9.  Fraudulent Electronic Withdrawals
Fraudulent New Accounts
Federal Reserve System
Bankruptcy Fraud
13 Correcting Fraudulent Information in Credit Reports
14. Credit Cards      
Criminal Violations
Debt Collectors
Driver's License
Investment Fraud
Mail Theft
Passport Fraud
Phone Fraud
Social Security Number Misuse
Student Loans
Tax Fraud

Chapter 25 – the Fair Credit Reporting Act or (FRCA)

Your rights under the FRCA & the Electronic Funds Transfer Act or (EFTA).  The National Specialty Consumer Reporting Firms. Who are they, what do they report.